"Prometheus" is a dance-acrobatic show that takes the audience to the magical world of ancient Greece. The show brings to life the myth of Prometheus, who awakens human thought, creativity, and curiosity with the fire stolen from the gods. Directed by Kamil J. Przyboś, this breathtaking spectacle masterfully combines stage movement, spectacular acrobatics, elements of ancient theater, and mesmerizing music to create a monumental performance.
This is not just an acrobatic-dance show but a grand spectacle featuring originally composed music, an orchestra, a choir and soloists singing in ancient Greek. It is a performance ready for both national and international tours.Discover more reviews
— Dagmara Chojnacka, Radio RAM
"Prometheus" is a grand and sophisticated show — a combination of dance, acrobatics, and live music! The creators of the show build tension by presenting the audience with a range of experiences by juxtaposing dynamic scenes with quiet ones, dramatic with comic, and spectacular with intimate moments. The spectacular acrobatics and circus balance acts are the essence of the show, showcasing the capabilities of the human body. This is more than just a show — it is an experience that guarantees goosebumps and an excitement that linger long after the performance.
The show draws on the heritage of ancient theater, giving it a modern dimension that inspires and delights. "Prometheus" is not just a collection of dance and acrobatic sequences but also a carefully told story with a timeless, universal message. It is a drama where the actors, without words, take the audience on a metaphorical journey through the dawn of humanity.
Live music is an integral part of "Prometheus." The original compositions by Elżbieta Sokołowska are presented on stage by numerous artists: the Wroclove Musical Choir and the Silesian Art Collective Chamber Orchestra, who mesmerize the audience and take them on an emotional and delightful musical journey full of dramatic tension. The performance is completed by dazzling soloists who, in the role of mythical Moirai, sing in ancient Greek.